Delicious Detox Cookbook

Delicious Detox Cookbook

Delicious Detox is more than a cookbook — it’s your guide to a cleaner body, clearer mind and healthier life. Whether you’re starting a detox or looking to cook tasty and healthy meals for your family, Delicious Detox is a unique cookbook by a Naturopathic Doctor and inspired by her patients.

- 80 gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, egg-free, sugar-free recipes

- 14-day meal planner with accompanying grocery list

For more information or to contact Carol Morley, email or call (905) 804-1752.

To purchase a copy, click here.

You can also find Dr. Carol's Healthy Kitchen on YouTube here. 

About The Author

Carol Morley graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario in 2003. She currently owns and operates her Naturopathic Medical practice, Zawada Health, in Missisauga, Ontario. Carol’s passion for healthy eating and delicious food brought her to create her first Detox Cookbook, Delicious Detox.

A Message From The Author

“As a practising naturopathic doctor, I regularly recommend that patients do a three-week detox as part of their treatment plan. It helps my patients improve their health, lose weight, and identify the foods that are possibly contributing to their medical problems.

A detox is a time to give your body a break, an opportunity to reconnect with healthful foods and help you feel better. With the help of this book, you’ll have the knowledge to start a three-week detox or simply introduce healthier foods to your family’s dinner table.

Delicious Detox answers the two questions I’m most frequently asked: If I go on a detox, what can I eat? And will it taste any good?

I’ve tried each of these recipes in my own kitchen. I’ve prepared these meals for my family and shared many of the recipes with my patients.

This is your guide to eighty recipes that are easy to prepare and delicious to eat.”

Happy Detox!
Carol Morley

What Are People Saying:

“I have to say that I have honestly never felt better overall in a very long time. The food/cooking required is a learning curve for myself, but one that I’ve come to very much enjoy. I think I like the preparation almost as much as the final result; being awesome meals, and endless energy.”

“I am emailing just to tell you how much I love your cookbook. I am 56 years old & have been feeling run down & unmotivated for the last 5 years. I’ve tried different plans but never stuck with them. A friend of mine told me about your book & when I looked at it & saw the recipes I decided to give it a try. I have had a week of your delicious recipes & am loving them!! I have had major caffeine withdrawl headaches the first week, but thankfully they are gone.”

“I wanted to give you some great feedback. I just finished up a patient visit with a woman who had bought about 10 copies of your book to give as holiday gifts for her work colleagues and family. They now all do lunch together cooking from your book. One person does a soup, another does a salad and the other the main course. They then share it all for a few days. They are all feeling much better with their health concerns and are enjoying it thoroughly! “

“The Delicious Detox is amazing! I have struggled with my weight for years and had just gotten used to the idea of being another chubby girl. I found some success after university on a weight loss program, but you guessed it, as soon as I was done the program, the weight came back. The Delicious Detox has reshaped my relationship with food and I believe that I really am making a lifestyle change and not just another fad. Since completing the detox, my skin is better, my sleep is more sound and my energy is more consistent. As well, since the detox, it has become easier to navigate for healthy foods in grocery stores and restaurants, I crave less sweets and the majority of my diet is filled with detox friendly foods. This has been a really amazing experience – and many of my friends and family have taken an interest in my new habits. “

“Thank you for your knowledge and for changing our families’ lives. I am hoping that we all will live healthier and live longer as well.”

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